"How Much of Me Does God own?" Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Challenged by how much more I could do as a Christian to make myself stand out from the world. Not as a boastful or showy demonstration, but as a life changed so thoroughly from within, that everyone whom God allows me to come into contact with has no doubt that it is Christ's power within my weakness that makes me strong! Nothing more. Absolutely in Christ Alone!

Friday, February 18, 2011

It's a Faith Thing

Push Off
Flailing Limbs
Scream, Blink, Rejoice
Did you know that life sold out for Christ is a bigger adventure than you can know while you're standing on the edge?
Did you know that when Christ takes hold of your heart, it will beat to the drum of all the nations represented at the throne of Christ in heaven one day?
Did you know that when your soul begins to understand the True Light of "Christ in me" it will no longer be satisfied with artificial light.
Did you know that by faith - in the Creator, Sustainer, Healer, Lover, Savior, Director, King and Father - you can learn your true purpose and meaning on
this earth: to love God and glorify Him ALWAYS so that
those around you see Him when they look at you
SO THAT they will also believe and Glorify His Name!
Are you just looking at the water from a distance?
Are you barely sticking your toe in the river?
or Have you jumped with abandon into the flow of His mercy, love and glory!