(Best viewed in original blog http://www.karijo-co.blogspot.com/)
Colorado Vacation In Pictures
August 2011
Part I -Estes Park
Part II - Rocky Mountain National Park
(Below) We did see snow, just not allowed to touch it.
It's amazing how many colors God put in His creation: Greens...
(Above) This was before we hiked further up the mountain.
The clouds are rolling in, and it's getting chilly.
(Below) Nearer the top it was windy, but beautiful.
(Above) It started to rain. Then the rain starting hurting, and we saw it bouncing off the ground. It was sleeting!!! Justin tried to catch some for the camera :)
Our run down the mountain was hilarious as we tried not to slip and fall, or step onto the "fragile ecosystem" which was the rocky grass terrain all along the path, which we were asked not to touch.
(Below) "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" Psalm 8:9
(Above) Uncle Ron and Aunt Laurie: Terrific tour guides and amazing hosts!
So thankful to get to visit them and cousin Rach ;)
(Above) These little guys were running all over the rocks at the edge of the cliff.
(Below) The lightning was so pretty (in a terrifying way for me...who doesn't believe you should be outside if you can hear thunder, let alone see lightning!) I only had patience to wait and catch this one bolt...
(Below) Dinner at Bienvenidos in Estes Park.
Gotta love some yummy Mexican
(Even though they didn't have sweet tea or sour cream sauce :)
Part III - Denver Zoo
(Below) Loved all the animals of course, but this made me laugh.
...Happy Birthday?
Part IV- Colorado Springs Area
(Above) Air Force Academy Chapel
(Below) Justin introducing himself to the founder of the Academy.
It was cordial despite the rigid appearance.
(Below) The Chapel itself is divided into multiple areas.
First is the Catholic Chapel
(Below) Second is the Jewish Chapel
(Below) Third is the Buddhist Chapel
(Below) The main portion of the chapel is on the second floor. It is the Protestant Chapel.
Here they have multiple services which include both traditional and contemporary.
(Below) The view out of the chapel window: God bless America!
(Below) I can't visit Colorado Springs and not stop in at Focus on the Family.
We spent most of our time perusing the book store and touring Odyssey :)
(Above) We did enjoy an amazing sundae at the Soda Shoppe.
(Below) Whit's office: I wonder which book holds the key to open the secret computer room?
(Below) We couldn't wait to visit Cave of the Winds. Justin tried to talk me into doing the lantern tour, but having never been in a cave, and knowing my cautious self (not to be confused with a worrisome self), I only committed to complete the normal tour. It was a blast, and now I know next time I would take the lantern tour.
(Above) Originally we thought we would do a zipline tour, but it required so much time we wouldn't have been able to do much else. So when we arrived at Cave of the Winds and they had this
Ropes Course, we knew immediately we would participate! A little scarier than I thought it would be, I did make it across most of the ropes, even the ones on the far left which hangs over the edge of this:
(Below) On our way back down the mountain, we stopped in at the
Cliff Dwellings Museum.
While these are actual dwellings, they have been moved to this region to protect and preserve them, and were privately owned for many, many years.
While these are actual dwellings, they have been moved to this region to protect and preserve them, and were privately owned for many, many years.
(Below) What trip to the Springs would be complete without a trip to Garden of the Gods? The views are breathtaking and pictures never do justice. We were exhausted at the end of a long and exciting day, but managed to take a few pictures to prove our visit.
(Above) God has placed His evidence eveywhere: from the clouds in the upper atmosphere, to the top of the mountain, to the insides of the ground...He. Wants. To. Be. Known.
"For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse."
Romans 1:19-20
(Below) One of my favorite rock formations in the garden. It's a little like how I imagine God holds the earth in His hand: balanced perfectly to sustain His creation!
(Below) Good finish to the day, no?
(Below) Pretty much sums it up!
(Below) Headed Home. Not the fave part of vacation, but God's glory from the sky IS a breathtaking view. We are so thankful for our time with family and in the midst of His creation on our trip.
It was relaxing, inspiring, and exciting all wrapped up into one great adventure.