Our precious black kitty has made a full life out of his nine years. At this stage, I think he qualifies as retired, but he will not give up the opportunity for adventure. Whether it's an open closet door, a closed cabinet he thinks should be open, or a fuzzy rug begging him to play rough, Sergio is up for the challenge.
Last week we had a cricket in our apartment. Thankfully, he didn't make much noise and so Justin and I didn't lose any sleep. However, Sergio found him fascinating and the first chance he had to pounce, he did.
Now, I must catch you up on the facts. Sergio used to be a great outdoor hunter, and even a good fighter who's reputation preceded him (I heard the stories, even though he didn't belong in our home until the last year). But, as is the fate of many domesticated kitties, Sergio had his front paws declawed-and he has been king of the indoors ever since.
When Sergio found the cricket, he brought him to the living room-his boxing ring, if you will-and made the most of his find. Without claws, he had no sword power, but his batting and catching skills matched even that of a young kitten. Up in the air Sergio would toss little Jimminy, and then hold him to the carpet with his paws. Carefully, he'd release him just to watch him for signs of life, then pounce on him before the little cricket even had a chance to catch his breath.
Heroic in his endeavors, the pride over his victory was evidenced by his smug face, and the licking of his lips as he swallowed the 5th of six crunchy legs. His predator instincts satisfied as his hunter DNA released on the poor little insect.
Of course, we were happy to see the bug go, and to know that our king of the jungle has not lost his wild skill.
Last week we had a cricket in our apartment. Thankfully, he didn't make much noise and so Justin and I didn't lose any sleep. However, Sergio found him fascinating and the first chance he had to pounce, he did.
Now, I must catch you up on the facts. Sergio used to be a great outdoor hunter, and even a good fighter who's reputation preceded him (I heard the stories, even though he didn't belong in our home until the last year). But, as is the fate of many domesticated kitties, Sergio had his front paws declawed-and he has been king of the indoors ever since.
When Sergio found the cricket, he brought him to the living room-his boxing ring, if you will-and made the most of his find. Without claws, he had no sword power, but his batting and catching skills matched even that of a young kitten. Up in the air Sergio would toss little Jimminy, and then hold him to the carpet with his paws. Carefully, he'd release him just to watch him for signs of life, then pounce on him before the little cricket even had a chance to catch his breath.
Heroic in his endeavors, the pride over his victory was evidenced by his smug face, and the licking of his lips as he swallowed the 5th of six crunchy legs. His predator instincts satisfied as his hunter DNA released on the poor little insect.
Of course, we were happy to see the bug go, and to know that our king of the jungle has not lost his wild skill.