"How Much of Me Does God own?" Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Challenged by how much more I could do as a Christian to make myself stand out from the world. Not as a boastful or showy demonstration, but as a life changed so thoroughly from within, that everyone whom God allows me to come into contact with has no doubt that it is Christ's power within my weakness that makes me strong! Nothing more. Absolutely in Christ Alone!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

It's not unpreparedness...just disobedience

When God calls, He is prepared. Not just to handle our iffy responses like Moses' "I'm not a good speaker" or Gideon's "we don't have enough money, and I'm the least in my family." You've made similar excuses at some point. "Even mission trips costs too much money," or "I don't know all the answers." When God calls us to something, large or small, if it takes us out of our comfort zone, it's easy to list the reasons we can't do what He's asked: excuses given in fear. Gideon

The funny thing is, He never asks us to do something He isn't prepared to equip us for. Both Moses and Gideon succeeded in the thing God called them to. Not because they contained within themselves the ability or strength, but because when they obeyed, THEN God used His power to make up the gap in their human contribution. Moses

Recently, God opened a door for me that if I had not stepped through, I would not have experienced the miracle of Him working behind the scenes. I knew that I was teetering on the edge of going further in obedience to Him than I had before, and I was afraid. What came out of my mouth was not a fluent, professional speech, but a humble, timid, obedient statement. And what I heard in response, was resounding agreement. God had prepared the ground ahead of me, and had I not asked the questions, I would not have known God's power in the situation.

How many times do we miss out on the blessing of seeing God work because we deny Him the chance to show us His power. And how exhilarating it is to know God wants to use us, and can if we just obey.

How is God raising the bar in your life? What does/has He asked you to do for Him that you need to obey?

And what is your story of God's blessing in your life because you obeyed? I would love to hear about the miracles He's shown you, because you allowed Him to prepare when you obeyed!!

All comments welcome.

1 comment:

gaela renee said...

sweet friend...thank you for your transparent honesty. and for the challenge. as you know the last year of my life (at the very least) has been one step of obedience to God after another. or at least i thought i was being obedient. so, he continues to call me to obedience to him. i know i'll keep on falling short, but am thankful for his mercy and grace to try again.