"How Much of Me Does God own?" Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Challenged by how much more I could do as a Christian to make myself stand out from the world. Not as a boastful or showy demonstration, but as a life changed so thoroughly from within, that everyone whom God allows me to come into contact with has no doubt that it is Christ's power within my weakness that makes me strong! Nothing more. Absolutely in Christ Alone!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fun Friday - Mad Gab Style

Happy Friday!

Try your hand (and your mouth) at these Mad Gab phrases. If there is someone in the room with you, race them to figure out the actual sentence, saying or phrase.Ready, Go!  (Answers Below)

1. Ash Hugh Witch

2. The airs nope lace lie comb

3. Fork odd soul of Dee whirled 

4. Know but he nose that rubble ivy sheen

5. Toot hay east huff hearse they off their heist off hurl if.

1. As You Wish
2. There's no place like home 
3. For God so loved the world
4. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
5. Today is the first day of the rest of your life

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Got most of them!! Made me smile...love doing those with you! Happy weekend!
Love you