...I should be taking a nap, but it's hard to sleep when you have things you need to do and baby is sleeping. Especially if they are fun things. Fun things like uploading photos to create a photo card and and updating the blogging world for the first time since said baby was born. Hard to believe.
Baby boy made it into this world with good health, his mom's lips, and his dads gift of sleep - for that we praise the Lord! He is the new joy of our lives, user of our energy, spender of our money, entertainer of our family, teacher of our reality, and blessing of each of our moments. Absolutely. Love. Him.
With that, I get up every morning with a plan and a purpose...one which is so different from before but that feels very important and meaningful. Baby boy can't even speak words yet and I've learned tons about myself and feel as though he has brought Justin and I even closer together. It's fun to work on a project together (parenting), learning new skills as a team. Justin is amazing. I am blessed. God is SO gracious.
So, from this happy, content, humbled, tired, preoccupied, thankful, MOM to you - have a joyous weekend preparing and celebrating this Christmas season, and may you find a small gift in every day for which to be grateful!
"How Much of Me Does God own?" Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Challenged by how much more I could do as a Christian to make myself stand out from the world. Not as a boastful or showy demonstration, but as a life changed so thoroughly from within, that everyone whom God allows me to come into contact with has no doubt that it is Christ's power within my weakness that makes me strong! Nothing more. Absolutely in Christ Alone!
Friday, December 7, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
July to Malachi
It's been a while since my last post (Sadly, not because I haven't drafted anything. Only because nothing I drafted made the cut from 'good idea' to 'good enough to make public'). July has been quite a month. Here are the highlights so far...
*Husband turned 30 on July 1st
*Sister had a birthday, also on July 1st, but she is still much younger and sprier
*Celebrated the 4th with friends, fireworks and some good "Fair" food (Roasted corn on the cob...should have taken a picture). Also, made mini dessert :)
*Grandpa had his birthday on July 15th
*Mourned the loss of an uncle (on Hubby's side), and rejoiced with so many family members that he is in heaven now.
*Took a last minute road trip to St. Louis, MO (ok, not quite there, but maybe 50 miles south) in our car, there and back again in three days.
*Ate Indian food twice in exactly a week (This is a big highlight. LOVE Indian food. For those of you in the area, you should try the Saffron House. I'll even go with you!) The Saffron House
*Helped paint the nursery wall accents (All the wall painting is done now - woohoo! Ordered the curtains, bought the fabric for the bedding, got screws and instructions to set up the crib - this is progress people!)
*Got mostly registered for the baby
*Had our 30 week appointment today! Everything looks good and I CANNOT BELIEVE we are 10 weeks from D-Day! Baby at 30 Weeks
*Finished our payments at my OB's office. (Now, we focus on what the hospital will require from our bank account).
*Found myself a little jealous of a couple of friends traveling and doing mission work in Africa. But it's okay now. I'm not going to stay jealous..."It, comes and goes." (That is a movie quote...a good movie too).
*Landed in the book of Malachi for my personal study time, and am just falling in love with it. The love God has for His people just permeates the pages even as He is scolding them and reminding them how they have left their first love. And so many good reminders and convictions that as believers, and Priests of Christ, we should be keeping our sacrifices pure and un-defiled. Our sin is serious, and we can't ignore it. Confess, repent, forgive others, seek humility, and do things the way the Lord leads us. Not half hearted. Not comfortably and out of convenience, but sacrificially and intentionally giving the best we have of EVERYTHING to Him in obedience and out of love and thanksgiving for all He's done for us. I'm just half way through and I am already sad about being done with this little book! What are you reading/learning in your quiet time?
That's kind of it. It's only July 18th, so I'm guessing there is much more to come, but that's how I am doing. How are you?
- Kjo
*Husband turned 30 on July 1st
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30th Birthday |
*Sister had a birthday, also on July 1st, but she is still much younger and sprier
*Celebrated the 4th with friends, fireworks and some good "Fair" food (Roasted corn on the cob...should have taken a picture). Also, made mini dessert :)
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Mini Dessert |
*Mourned the loss of an uncle (on Hubby's side), and rejoiced with so many family members that he is in heaven now.
*Took a last minute road trip to St. Louis, MO (ok, not quite there, but maybe 50 miles south) in our car, there and back again in three days.
*Ate Indian food twice in exactly a week (This is a big highlight. LOVE Indian food. For those of you in the area, you should try the Saffron House. I'll even go with you!) The Saffron House
*Helped paint the nursery wall accents (All the wall painting is done now - woohoo! Ordered the curtains, bought the fabric for the bedding, got screws and instructions to set up the crib - this is progress people!)
*Got mostly registered for the baby
*Had our 30 week appointment today! Everything looks good and I CANNOT BELIEVE we are 10 weeks from D-Day! Baby at 30 Weeks
*Finished our payments at my OB's office. (Now, we focus on what the hospital will require from our bank account).
*Found myself a little jealous of a couple of friends traveling and doing mission work in Africa. But it's okay now. I'm not going to stay jealous..."It, comes and goes." (That is a movie quote...a good movie too).
*Landed in the book of Malachi for my personal study time, and am just falling in love with it. The love God has for His people just permeates the pages even as He is scolding them and reminding them how they have left their first love. And so many good reminders and convictions that as believers, and Priests of Christ, we should be keeping our sacrifices pure and un-defiled. Our sin is serious, and we can't ignore it. Confess, repent, forgive others, seek humility, and do things the way the Lord leads us. Not half hearted. Not comfortably and out of convenience, but sacrificially and intentionally giving the best we have of EVERYTHING to Him in obedience and out of love and thanksgiving for all He's done for us. I'm just half way through and I am already sad about being done with this little book! What are you reading/learning in your quiet time?
(liberty.edu's photo) |
That's kind of it. It's only July 18th, so I'm guessing there is much more to come, but that's how I am doing. How are you?
- Kjo
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Somewhere Else While I'm Still Here
Whew, let me just say that tonight I am thankful to be out of the fog. Yes, it's supposed to get foggy here in my city overnight, but I'm talking about a mental fog. It seems to have been coming and going more frequently of late (I attribute that to the pregnancy). WHAT!? That is right - I am expecting a baby in September! My husband and I are so excited :) Finally able to share it with "the world" this week, and I have only now felt like I could get a blog together that wouldn't bore ME before I finished writing it. I've been that out of it, and I try to grab onto the spurts of energy and mental power as I get them. I'm having one right now.
The reason I decided to get with it on the blog tonight is because of an odd thing that happens every now and again. It's the sensation that although I'm here, I'm just as much somewhere else. Typically this phenomenon is brought about by a smell or person, object or picture that immediately takes me "back." Back, to some other place or time that I have been. Likely you can relate. For me, those experiences are typically pleasant, although bitter-sweet. And this one definitely was.
It started I suppose when reality began to sink in that this precious bundle of joy (now the size of a plum I might add) will, and to some extant already has, change my life dramatically. For example, I haven't been drinking coffee much and I've been avoiding certain foods and activities. Things I normally don't think twice about. But over the last couple of weeks I really began to think about how I will not be going back to Sudan this year. That's a big change. So much of my heart resides in a corner I call "Africa" and it grows and blooms every year with the thought of returning, seeing those friends and family across the ocean, and serving God alongside them. But this year will be different. VERY different. I can't even imagine all of it, which I suppose is good. None of us might have kids if we really understood the sacrifice and exhaustion that accompanies said joyful bundle ahead of time!
So I've been processing the fact that we will have a new assignment come September: parenthood. Might not have to fly across the sea to fulfill it, but I think it will more challenging, and hopefully even more rewarding, this next phase of calling the Lord has on our lives.
All that being said, there is still a part of me missing Africa. (I suppose the fact that I haven't felt well and don't yet look pregnant aid this wistful feeling). I'm still learning how to put that in its place.
Yesterday, I was browsing Pinterest and randomly come across a photo that is displayed over and over and over on the holding video on the KLM flights from here to Amsterdam / Amsterdam to Africa.
The video plays music as a video rolls of different scenes and poses around this fixture. Gets pretty annoying after about 15 minutes of sitting in your seat, waiting for take off, but always "takes me back" when I see/hear it. It is visually and emotionally tied to our Africa trips.
Later, as I was working on my Bible Study, I realized I was a using KLM pen (Not sure how I got it. Hope I didn't steal it). Didn't even realize we had one, but there it was in my hand. Back again.
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I'm afraid to even get out the photos from when we were actually IN AFRICA:. Could be sentimental overload.
The icing on the cake came on my walk today. Someone was cooking with the windows open and it smelled almost exactly the way our food smelled while in Sudan. Rice and Beans, maybe some chips. Oi. I can picture myself smelling that smell in Sudan...does that make any sense?
All this to say, I've been in Sudan or on my way there a lot this week. Thankful for the time and lessons learned there, friendships made and ministry done. And thankful at the same time that our new assignment will hold its own blessings and lessons, and hoping that one day, I will get to return to Sudan, and maybe take our Plum Joy with us. In the meantime, I've got photos and memories to "Take me Back" as often as I'd like.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
A Little "Awe" In Your Alleluia
For those of you in the DFW Metroplex who listen to KCBI, you will understand when I say I was a little sad to see January go. Not because I particularly love February, but because the end of the first month of 2012 marked the end of Spiritual Fitness month on KCBI. I have so enjoyed the devotionals, testimonials, and challenges to get spiritually fit from Jim and Terri every day on the Morning Show. This month is Financial Fitness month, so I'm sure I'll love it too. Right now I'm still missing January.
On the second to last day, they aired a sound bite from a video clip with Louie Giglio. Rocked. My. World. He is teaching on Psalm 148 which I've posted from below. Would you take a minute to read the Psalm, and then watch the video? It's 14 minutes long, and worth every last second. Even if you don't like to sing, you'll want to make your best joyful noise (or happy tears) by the end. Our God is so Awesome! Worthy to be praised! It's so exciting I may have to go watch it again right now!
On the second to last day, they aired a sound bite from a video clip with Louie Giglio. Rocked. My. World. He is teaching on Psalm 148 which I've posted from below. Would you take a minute to read the Psalm, and then watch the video? It's 14 minutes long, and worth every last second. Even if you don't like to sing, you'll want to make your best joyful noise (or happy tears) by the end. Our God is so Awesome! Worthy to be praised! It's so exciting I may have to go watch it again right now!
Psalm 148
Praise the LORD!
the LORD from the heavens;
him in the heights!
him, all his angels;
him, all his hosts!
him, sun and moon,
him, all you shining stars!
him, you highest heavens,
you waters above the heavens!
them praise the name of the LORD!
he commanded and they were created.
he established them forever and ever;
gave a decree, and it shall not pass away.
the LORD from the earth,
great sea creatures and all deeps,
and hail, snow and mist,
wind fulfilling his word!
and all hills,
trees and all cedars!
and all livestock,
things and flying birds!
of the earth and all peoples,
and all rulers of the earth!
men and maidens together,
men and children!
them praise the name of the LORD,
his name alone is exalted;
majesty is above earth and heaven.
has raised up a horn for his people,
for all his saints,
the people of Israel who are near to him.
the LORD!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Fun Friday - "Is . . ."
A good Friday is = lunch with a friend at a tasty lunch place, trying new food and enjoying fortune cookies.
A FUN FRIDAY is = lunch with a friend at a tasty lunch place, trying new food and enjoying "Twin" fortune cookies.
I have never seen two cookies in one wrapper before...very fun! I think this means you get to choose the good fortune and throw the other one away!
A FUN FRIDAY is = lunch with a friend at a tasty lunch place, trying new food and enjoying "Twin" fortune cookies.
I have never seen two cookies in one wrapper before...very fun! I think this means you get to choose the good fortune and throw the other one away!
Hope your Friday is as much fun as mine :)
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Every Morning
His mercies are new. And I am so thankful!
Some mornings I wake up with the world on my shoulders. Do you know the feeling? As soon as you wake up, your mind is flooded with the list of things that must get done in that day and the burden even makes you stand a little lower. Certainly it doesn’t feel like there is energy to make it to lunch, let alone the activities after dinner.
I had a morning like that this week. I had slept fairly well the night before but upon waking, the burdens of the day woke with me and lodged themselves in my mind.
On my drive to work I remember listening to a discussion about worship. I can’t remember anything from the talk except for this phrase: “His mercies are new every morning.” As I mediated on it in my mind and heart, I turned my thoughts from not being able to handle the agenda for the day to the fact that God gives His strength to handle the day. I don’t have to do it alone. Immediately I felt the stress trickle away like water in a sieve, while at the same time joy and thankfulness replaced the anxiety. His mercies are new, and today, right now, they are new. Not recycled from yesterday, or only what is left over after last night, they are new: in full and with strength and power. That is good news. And I stood taller and lived better because of that truth.
What are you facing today that has you slumping, or unable to get out of bed? Are you carrying around extra emotional weight because it seems you are alone or that if you don’t worry about it, who will? Take a moment to remember that God’s strength is able, and when Christ is in You, His strength is available to you: new and fresh. Every morning.
"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22-23 ESV
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Fun Friday - Mad Gab Style
Happy Friday!
Try your hand (and your mouth) at these Mad Gab phrases. If there is someone in the room with you, race them to figure out the actual sentence, saying or phrase.Ready, Go! (Answers Below)
1. Ash Hugh Witch
2. The airs nope lace lie comb
3. Fork odd soul of Dee whirled
4. Know but he nose that rubble ivy sheen
5. Toot hay east huff hearse they off their heist off hurl if.
1. As You Wish
2. There's no place like home
3. For God so loved the world
4. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen
5. Today is the first day of the rest of your life
Friday, January 13, 2012
Fun Friday - (It's Already Here AGAIN. Yess!!)
Friday is fun because . . .
1. You can plan to sleep in
2. Extra time for friends and family
3. It’s a good splurge day (although this would count more if I were more diligent throughout the week about NOT splurging)
4. Everything is funny, even if it's not
5. Many times, it’s also payday!
6. Anyone can say “Friday” like the Outback Steakhouse commercial voice –
“ ‘Appy Froiday!” (I'm not kidding; try it!)
7. Cookie Friday – in my office building, property management bakes Otis Spunkmeyer cookies to share with everyone at 2pm. Love it. But you have to be quick…2:30 might be too late!
All around, Friday is just a good day. Even if you talk to yourself at work (which of course, I never do), it's okay because it's Friday.
Tired? It's ok. It's Friday!
Forgot to pay a bill? It's okay. Banks are open, it's Friday!
Really need a night out, just because? It's Friday!
Want to go home and nesstle in comfy clothes on the couch? It's Ok.
Hope your Friday is wonderful and blessed. Have any plans?
Friday, January 6, 2012
Fun Friday - Caption Contest
Happy Friday! Looking forward to finding and enjoying lots of different things on Fun Fridays. Maybe pictures or quotes, movie or book reviews, puzzles or trivia. Who knows, but it will be fun.
Today, I got excited about this photo and realized it could be interpreted many ways. My thought was "It's Friday!" but I'd love to hear your creative thoughts. Leave a comment and let me know what caption you would give this picture :)
Today, I got excited about this photo and realized it could be interpreted many ways. My thought was "It's Friday!" but I'd love to hear your creative thoughts. Leave a comment and let me know what caption you would give this picture :)
Ready, Go!
"Your Caption Here"
Thursday, January 5, 2012
She's Crafty - Christmas Mailbox Leftovers
Happy first Thursday of the New Year :) I hope you had a great celebration with family and friends over Christmas and New Years. We had a great time with family and several days off work. Always a good combination and a refreshing way to enter a new season.

Many of you know that one of my favorite things in every day is checking the mailbox. Not hotmail or gmail, but the actual REAL mailbox. For as long as I can remember I have looked forward to checking the mail, and anticipate each day the possibility of getting something personal from someone I care about. In college, I would check the mailbox twice a day, just in case I missed something the first time through (which did happen on occasion. Those were good days.) Now that school is over and the most I receive in a given week is basket fulls of trash, coupon books and bills, I still look forward to checking it every day: just in case.
Needless to say, after Thanksgiving passes and the Christmas season begins, the mailbox becomes like "the cherry on top", or coffee and a great dessert. Chances that there will be a personal note increase 85% after December 1st. *sigh* I love it.
But once Christmas is over, and January rolls around, the question becomes, "What to do with all the great pictures of friends and family that came with those Christmas greetings?"
This year, I decided to make something useful to decorate my home with, and put them to good use. It's a quick, easy, scrapbook like craft that doesn't require much outside of what a basic craft supply closet might have (or a quick trip to Michaels).
Picture Collage
Supplies: Scrapbook paper, Glue stick, hot glue gun, light weight cardboard, cardstock, Photos, Scissors, hole punch, embellishments (ribbon, buttons, stamps, etc.)
Step 1 - Collect the pictures you'd like to save
Step 2 - Choose the scrapbook paper for your collage
Step 3 - Glue the photos on the paper leaving room to frame the photos with the paper. Then cut them out. (Hint: I used a light glue stick that will allow for the removal of the photos from the paper at a later time if I wish to save them. Also, by having the paper on the back of each photo, the photos are protected from the tape in step 5).
Step 4 - Prepare some accent pieces. I used stamps, paper, ribbon and sticky buttons
Step 5 - Arrange the photos in any shape you'd like. I chose to keep my collage with square edges, but circles, wreaths, or random placement would also be cute. I then simply used tape to join the backs of the photos together.
Step 6 - In order to add extra support to the collage since I am not going to frame this one, I cut and used double sided tape to glue card stock on the back side of the taped collage.
Step 7 - Hanging: I had a 12 inch circular piece of cardboard (from the cake decorating aisle at Michaels) in which I punched a small hole for hanging. (Another option would be the cardboard from a new calendar, or cardstock, staples and a ribbon). You can also use a box cutter to slit a horizontal line from the side of the hole to allow for adjusting if the collage is not weighted evenly. Then glue to the center of the back of the collage.
Step 8 - Lastly, lightly hammer a stick pin into the wall and hang! Cute, fun, easy, and no mess if you change your mind and no longer want it on the wall or if you decide it looks better in another room!
That should keep me until the mail next Christmas!
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