"How Much of Me Does God own?" Deuteronomy 6:4-9

Challenged by how much more I could do as a Christian to make myself stand out from the world. Not as a boastful or showy demonstration, but as a life changed so thoroughly from within, that everyone whom God allows me to come into contact with has no doubt that it is Christ's power within my weakness that makes me strong! Nothing more. Absolutely in Christ Alone!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

THankful that it's Wednesday!

God has been so good to me and my family this last year. It would take Santa a year to read the list of all the wonderful things God has done, so 5 or 6 things a day, barely scratch the surface. However, it is a way to summarize in quantities palatable to the fast paced reading culture we are in. Longer post for another day. :)

Windows: With screens so that I can open them and let the fresh air in. We have had wasps get in our house the last few times we have opened the windows (screens with holes) and so I've missed being able to open them this week during the nice weather!

Egg Nog: Last year I didn't have any, and so this year I bought it early. One sip and everything starts reminding me of Christmas!

Defrosters: THis morning was the first time I had frozen precipitation on my window...very thankful for defrosting capabilities in the car!!

New Curtains: Did some decorating last night. Guest room is now my favorite!

Earrings: Accessorize! I love being a girl and all the fun "extras" we get to use to express our style :)

Sanctification: My Savior always deserves the greatest thanks, and tonight I am super grateful for the sanctification process. I also love knowing that it is a process!! Each day is part of it, and we have grace enough for each day.

Dominos: The game that is. Good for days that you need to last all day!

Animals: I'm so glad that God loves animals...they are my favorite lap buddies :)

Yummy Pumpkin Dip: I love trying new recipes, and this one will make a nice Thanksgiving treat. Might raid the fridge for a pre-eating!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mon-Tues-day of Gratitude

So, I missed yesterday's list due to a multitue of projects, so one thing I'm thankful for is the completion of those important tasks! I am a day behind an postin and will work on catching up :o)

Mom: My mom deserves a novella, but for the sake of a brief posting, please know she is amazing and has always done everything she could to show her love and support in my life. And she is coming to visit tomorrow!! M can also stand for Mother-in-law, of which I also have the best: her love and support of my husband as he was growing up helped prepare him for "us"--familial blessings all around.

One Skein Scarves: The perfect evening passtime. Both productive and fun.

Never ending security: Found in Christ and overcomes all fears and insecurities if we call on Him.

Dad: My dad is terrific, and I'm blessed to have him in my life. He too has done imeasurable numbers of things to encourage and support me. Can't wait to see him tomorrow!! My Dad-in-law is also a blessing. He lives out many of the same servant minded traits that I see in Justin. Praie the Lord!

Angle food cake: you can eat the whole thing and not even feel full :)

Yogurt: Braums frozen yogurt. Great refreshment any time of year

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thankfulness, Thankfulness is what I long for


Scripture: I am so thankful to live in a place where it is legal to own and read the bible wherever and whenever!!

Unity: I love being part of a group of believers, small or large, where the diversity of standards, personalities, interests, tastes, hobbies, languages, maturity and age are overcome because of a single love of Jesus Christ.

Neighbors: What better place to start being Jesus to people than in your own neighborhood or complex!

Dessert: All kinds of dessert, as long as something sweet follows the main meal :) Loooove it!

Airconditioning: I'm not sure how long it would take me to get used to Texas heat with no air. It can be done, but I am grateful I haven't had to learn.

Yiddish: "Oy!" is one of the best exclamations ever used. Meeting other people who use the phrase always makes me smile :)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart


Sergio: our friendly little kitty (little may not be the best adjective) has made our home so much fun. He is friendly, social, quiet, talented, and sweet. Whenever I sit on the couch, he comes up to at least partially perch on my lap or arm.

Ability: I'm thankful for the ability to use all five senses. I can see, hear, smell, touch, and taste the things God has created, as well as learn how to use the spiritual abilities He has given. I can sing praises to His name and hear the voices of a choir that blows my mind away, knowing that it's like experiencing a glimpse of heaven. I can tell others what God has done, and touch the lives of those around me as the Holy Spirit prompts.

Timepieces: I'm not speaking of a watch fetish, but rather decorative clocks. Time is one of the essentials of each day, and the atmosphere and character that a good clock adds to a home, makes it an essential for keeping order in zones: both comfort and time.

Unalienable rights: Enough said.

Races: Red, brown, yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight! The more opportunity I have to fellowship with people from around the world, the more I see and appreciate the creativity and variety of our Awesome God! It's a blessing to me just learning what life is like in another culture.

Date night: I love it when my husband takes me out, surprises me or joins me in spontenaeity. Camping out in the livingc room is one of my favorite abnormal activities :)

Active Listening: One of the greatest ways I feel loved and try to show love is when someone listens to what is on my heart with both eyes and both ears. When someone asks questions that dig deeper into the topic, and show interest into what the speaker is saying, it shows that he cares about the speaker. I think it means so much because it requires selflessness: putting someone's interests about one's own interest and time.

Yams: Ok, not yams but sweet potatos: baked. And don't forget the butter and brown sugar. Yum!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful Heart


I"m thankful for the sweet FRIENDS that God has placed into my life at each point in the journey. I am blessed to have so many people that I still keep in touch with even though I've moved away, or they've got kids, or however else the circumstances may have changed.

I'm thankful for RAIN. Really I am. Even when I think I'd like sunshine better, I know the rain is good for the ground, good for God's creation, and it makes for a cozy evening at home around a warm fire :)

I'm thankful for ICE. How else would we get to enjoy cold beverages, ice cream, ice packs, ice cycles, Disney on ice, ice skating, ice hockey, or ice melting off the crystal trees in the middle of winter!

I'm thankful for DADS who love their kids, support their families, and model Christ for the next generation.

I'm thankful for ADULT friendships throughout my lifetime that nurtured, trained, befriended and lived as great examples of men and women after God's own heart. Their example and investment into my life has helped mold me into the woman I am today.

I'm thankful for YESTERDAY: a constant reminder of our mighty God and how He blesses us daily, as well as how much we rely on His grace for our very lives.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Giving Thanks

It's a week until Thanksgiving, and I am so excited. Going to have a great time with family, and enjoy a few days off of work. Most importantly, it will be a specific time set aside to thank God for the many blessings He's given.

I hope to post everyday from now until Thanksgiving day, with a list of things to be thankful for: one for each letter in the spelling of that day of the week. We should live daily with thanksgiving on our lips, but it takes practice. So, here it goes!!

Time: A new day every day with new mercies and the strength of the Lord.
Health: I'm grateful to God for the health that Justin and I have experienced so far this season! Understanding: I'm thankful for my best friend and husband, who is gifted with the ability to be understanding even when he doesn't understand!
Righteousness: The Imputed righteousness through Christ alone
Savior: Without my Savior Jesus Christ, I would have no purpose for the past, power for the present, or promise for the future.
Driving: How much of the country, and other countries would I have missed if it weren't for the ability to drive!
Apple Cider: Such a special fall treat, and the perfect accompaniment for a napping blanket and a good book.
Yearbooks: I don't think I will ever tire of looking back through all the pictures and remembering so many fun times and great people!

What are you thankful for today? Let His praises be on your lips!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009